we all know that there are laws to protect us and punish the guilty, but what if a government running a nation is guilty or requires justice for its citizens. For such reasons there’s a special branch of law which deals with such cases it’s called the INTERNATIONAL LAW also known as “law of the nations”. It establishes normative guidelines and a common conceptual framework to guide states across a broad range of domains, including war, diplomacy, trade, and human rights. it provides nations a more stable platform to maintain international relations. international law is different from state level based legal system as it mainly functions on the treaties and consents.Coercive actions like block on trade, millitary interventions or diplomatic solutions are taken against those nations who try to break treaties or refuse to abide by the international law.
The relation between a national level legal system and international law is complex and variable. National law may become international law when treaties permit national jurisdiction to supranational tribunals such as the European court of human rights or the International criminal court. Treaties such as the Geneva conventions may require national law to conform to treaty provisions. National laws or constitutions may also provide for the implementation or integration of international legal obligations into domestic law.

It is maintained and in function because of international relations of countries with each other. A country’s image on an international level tells a lot about its relation with its neighbouring and other countries. A country with good relations is always backed by others during times of crisis and is also provided by support from others such country is said to be well reputed among others and at times it is also backed by the UN.